Christmas in L.A.

I can't believe its that time of the year again. I swear I just finished eating last years fruit cake! Anyway, as I was wrapping gifts for my family (I tried not to look at the receipts coz I spent way too much this year) the local news had a special feature about Christmas in L.A. They showed the good things about celebrating the holidays here in the southland but completely ignored the bad things. Here's a short compilation of the not so good things in LA during the holidays:
*Traffic around commercial areas/malls is beyond comprehension. As an evidence. I took this picture while I was looking for parking at the Grove in West Hollywood. I looked for almost 45 minutes (and I drive a sentra I can only imagine how long it took to find ample-sized parking for people who drive suburbans and other gargantuan vehicles). There were times when a line of cars were all just sitting there for 5 minutes completely stucked! I understand that these same issues happen in other cities but since Los Angelenos are practically slaves to their cars, the traffic is 100 times worse.
*Yes the weather is great but I sure would like to experience a "white christmas". But I guess I shouldnt complain coz Im sure the rest of the country would prefer to be thawed out during the holidays. On a side note, I can not stand seeing people on the street/cars all bundled up like theres a freaking blizzard outside. Especially today. This lady looked like she was going to go skiing in Aspen, complete with a scarf, a beanie and some ugly uggs (sp?). Lady, it was freaking 80 degrees this afternoon...don't be too dramatic.

*One last thing, overly decorated houses... only in LA will you see a giant cactus tree wrapped in christmas light... very LA.
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