Once again, I admit that I'm the worst blogger. Lots happened these past two weeks, many stories I've imagined writing in this blog but of course they're left to rot in my head. Unfortunately, I only remember a few these stories so I'm going to write down what I can remember. They're not interconnected but each story gives an insight of my personality and my train of thought.
The Best Friend (Nat) was in town two weekends ago. She needed some time away from home and work so I promised that we were going to have a fun weekend. Without going into details, the best part of the whole weekend was doing touristy things with the some of the most important people in my life. We ate out a lot... visited my most favorite restaurant (Sushi Mac-its like crack to me) and got to try new ones (a completely vegetarian Chinese restaurant and I had some pretty convincing faux-chicken and not-so-real fish complete with the seaweed scaly skin). We even visited touristy spots ( Griffith Observatory and Watts Tower) and just did a lot of catching up. I really like planning the whole weekend. Its that inner host in me... I will definitely accomodate my guests as much as can.
The Boyfriend and I spent this past weekend with his family who was in town. I enjoy hanging out with his family especially his hilarious aunts and even more hilarious grandpa. We picked up his mom from the airport and spent part of Saturday with her. While I was driving, I had to consciously stop myself from bursting out in my usual road-rage infused language in front of his mom (because of some other crazy drivers). When it was just the two of us, The Boyfriend told me that he enjoys how I get soo fired up when I drive. Its true that I'm becoming like any other Los Angeleno driver... aggressive and vocal about what I think of lousy driving. I admit that I'm not the best driver so I contribute to other people's road rage. Mostly, this is due to the fact that I get easily distracted when I drive...well not just driving but I'm easily distracted with pretty much everything. Sometimes I feel like I have a mild case of A.D.D. I guess the lack of focus of this story is an even worse proof that I'm extremely scatter brained (pathetic I know).
Something is going on with the people around me. It seems like almost everyone is going through some sort of major transition in their life. Most of them (and by my last count; 4 people) had just ended a relationship. Others are taking a gamble and moving to a new place. I've stated in my older posts that I'm not a big fan of change. I don't think anyone is but we all know that everyone goes through it so we can move on to the next level of our lives. Right now, I'm just helping out these friends and family of mine while they go through this transition but I know that I'm bound to face my own transition... could I just be changing labs? Or will the result of my qualifying exam (which I'm afraid could be bad news) determine what change is going to occur in my life in the next few months. Only time will tell (haha thats soo cliche its disgusting!)
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