Weekend Updates
Hiking in Hollywood
A good friend of mine, Granny Sarah, was in town andI haven't seen her in over a year since she left for Japan to teach English. Best Friend Nat was supposed to drive down here from the bay area but she had car issues that needed to be immediately dealt with. We went hiking in Runyon Canyon, a popular hiking trail in the Hollywood Hills. Its famous because its a dog park so there were tons of dogs of all sorts and sizes also, theres a lot of Hollywood type of people hiking, jogging, doing yoga here (its not unusual to see someone famous there).

I quite like my picture here... I would do me (haha!). The boyfriend is looking cute and shy or does he have head lice?

A view from the top...you can almost see the (in)famous sign past the ridicuous mansions (ok, I guess I'm just jealous). Here's the group I went hiking with. My friends' brought their cute pups for a walk, Jackie is the small white one and Alexis is the black puppy.

Hanging out after dinner thats why everyone looked like they're ready for a nap. Top left, The Tall Mexican and Mr. UN. From bottom left, Granny Sarah, The Boyfriend, Dr. Croatia and his husband Mr. J (our lovely host for the night).
Spring Flowers
One of my most favorite things to do is gardening. In our side yard I have a vegetable garden and in our front yard I have seasonal plants. Since its spring time, the front garden is in full bloom. Top two: California wild flower (unsure about the name), and a bacopa plant on a pot. Bottom two: Iris and poppy.
The First Week of April Including Easter Weekend
The Boyfriend and I visited Tres (my baby brother for new readers). He's almost 2 years old now, I can't believe it! They finally gave him a haircut so his hair is not all over his face...it kind of remind me of a bowl cut I used to have growing up.
I know its not a great picture because of the backlight but I'm posting it because its still a cute picture of the two Ernestos (#2 and #3).
The Boyfriend teaching Tres how to play with his lap top (although we gave it to Baby Tres my dad is using it).
Here's a Youtube video clip of Baby Tres (click here)
Can I link u up?
4:24 PM
wow. its like Post-A-Palooza. thats a lot of posts from you my friend. btw, good pic of me, and bad pic of me. so thank you and f*ck you :)
-Tall Mex
12:29 AM
Wow! Beautiful flowers (at ang guapo ng BF mo! Tse!).
4:47 PM
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