Bonne Anne!
I know that I'm 10 days late but Happy New Year! We're more than halfway done with this decade and we were all freaking out six years ago with that Y2K hulabaloo. Like many folks, I also have "resolutions". I'd like to think of it more like long term plans coz, honestly most people's resolutions tend to last for about 3 weeks and then they just could not resist the stale doughnuts and Ben and Jerry's.
First I'd like to reflect on the highlights from last year.
*Spending the holidays with my Dad, and two sisters (I think the last time we were all together during Christmas was over 10 years ago).
*Breaking out of my comfort zone and travelling to Italy and France by myself.
*A new addition to the family(little Ernesto).
*A growing relationship with The Boyfriend.
*Other highlights (1) winning the training grant; (2) Trips to Boston, NYC, and different parts of California; (3) finally deciding on which lab I will do my thesis in; (4) reconnecting with old friends and extended family members that I haven't seen in a long time.
Now my new plans for the year.
I can easily list the stereotypical resolutions (ie. exercise, diet, quit this or quit that) but like what I said already, these types of resolution has such a high failure rate. So I'm going to list more life altering and long lasting plans.
*Really figure out what I'm passionate about. Am I going to stay with Science? Am I going to follow the path of Felicity (you know from the same titled show) and become an artist instead? Or am I better off as a nomad, begging my way around the world.
*When I say I want to do something....I need to just shut up and do it. Even I'm annoyed of myself when I dont follow through with whatever ideas I have.
*Sort of connected to the latter resolution; once in a while spice up my life with some spontaneity. I tend to over think or plan everything down to the details ("am I going to take a shit in the same stall everyday... maybe today ill use the stall next to it").
Right now thats what I have...but I think I'm going to add some more when I think of something else.
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