Filipino guy in Los Angeles, talking about his daily blah, reality tv, world events... a little bit of everything

Monday, April 24, 2006

Lesson 101: from the Mini Sumo Wrestler

Lesson #1: When it comes to driving...

Always pay attention on the road...

Make sure nothing is blocking your sight...

Check your blind spots...

Say a little prayer....

Lesson #2: Exercise to maintain good health!

Start with stretching...

Work your abs...

Do some cardio...

Dont forget to lift some weights.

Lesson #3: When you want something bad enough you need a game plan to get it.

Scope out what you want...

Go for it...

There might be some resistance but dont give up...

you need a back up plan ...

finally you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! dat soo cuteee!!
Tres so cutee!!!

ur lil sis

9:28 PM

Blogger Bryanboy said...

Awww.. that baby is ADORABLE!!!!

Thanks for the link to my website. ;)

I'd REALLY REALLY appreciate it if you change the link to go to instead of my typepad address.


Big hugs and kisses!


7:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tres is growing up so fast! He is such a beautiful cutie! Give him a big kiss for me next time you get to visit him, please.

4:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to see your baby brother!! He's soo cute!

- lichelle

1:49 PM


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