Highlights/Complaints/Praises and other random blah of the day

*I just took my midterm exam today. How did I do? ehh...not so sure. The class is too mixed (ie. masters students in epidemiology, PhD students in all sorts of programs and even residents) so its hard to gauge how the class in general will spread out the curve. Now I'm on the home stretch for this school year. If I pass the class then it might just be my very last formal class (as a student).
*I have mix feelings about the Academy Awards last night. Although I was expecting an upset by "Crash", I was still disappointed that my prediction came true. Lots of speculations about the reasons why "Brokeback Mountain" didnt win best picture but the important thing is that this movie has definitely brought into light that romance is not restricted between a man and a woman. I cant bash "Crash" coz I really did like it (not as much as Brokeback). This is my sixth year in L.A. and its great that this movie was able to tackle sensitive issues that occurs in this city (maybe a little bit on the extreme side, definitely more dramatic. But if it isn't as bold as it is, then it would just be an "interesting" movie and not a great one).
*Amazing Race was cool! I'll expand at a later post.
*I went out to Tiger Heat last week with The Croatian and his boyfriend, The Tall Mexican and his friend and Ex-Roomy#3. That place used to be very laid back, with a great unpretentious crowd, good music and fabulous drag queens. Nowadays, its turned into any other 18 and over mixed crowd club (lots of straight folks now). I think its time to drag my friends to another place (I decided this after two fights started right next to us...lots of hitting, pulling hair, scratching...this place has turned way too ghetto for me).
*I'm reverting back to my old farmer-self. I bought some basil plants, tomatoes, and spring bulbs. Here are some of them. *For an update, the plant shown on the second picture is now dead...what happened to my green thumb?*

*It sucks that Jose "Sway" Penala was eliminated last week on American Idol. He can sing but he picked a song that has been sung five gazilion (some make up extremely large number) times. He should have stucked to the whole pimp look from two weeks ago...apparently being a pimp is hot right now (ie. Oscars awarded to "Hard Out Here for a Pimp").
* The Boyfriend and I planned on spending a long weekend on a roadtrip. We were going to drive to the Death Valley, a night in Vegas, camping in Zion National Park in Utah, stop by Lake Powell and finally the Grand Canyon. Tonight, I checked the weather.....rain, snow, freezing temperatures...basically this trip will just have to be postponed....
I just noticed.. u refer to people by ethnicity.
You're soo Filipino.. LOL
11:14 AM
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