Freaky Monday!

Today has been quite an interesting day (to say the least). It started like any other Monday. I went to work early because I was scheduled to use this very fancy microscope which I reserved weeks ahead. I got there and someone else was using it... after pointing out to them that I had reserved the scope, the bitch still made me wait for her ass to finish. In addition, my experiment was basically crap (and it took weeks to prepare for it). I then decided to go outside only to be greeted by the smoke from a forest fire in Orange County. The sun was nowhere to be found, and it looked like it was snowing but instead it was soot and ash. It was really freaky...I wish I had my camera this looked like we were in a sepia tone world. I took a picture later this afternon when I got home showing a little bit of whats left from the smoke.

Earlier tonight, I got a phone call from the Tall Mexican-Adrian. He told me that our very good friend, Sexy Croatian-Bojan got in a car accident. I was scared! I was relieved that he was pretty much ok, a few cuts and bruises, but for sure shaken by the experience. His car is basically totalled after rolling over (how many times I dont know). Apparently, the car was on its roof when it stopped. Luckily, other motorists helped him and he was taken to the E.R. When I talked to him tonight, he's at home already. I'm just glad that he's ok.

Later tonight, I got another phone call from one of my best college friends, and old roomy Mr. Linguistics-Misa. He told me that his boyfriend's (Mr. Teacher-Anthony) family's house was on fire today. I'm not sure about the details, but he seemed ok (and also Mr. Teacher's family). What the hell is going on today?
DAMN! that picture is 5 years old. Bojan and I look like chil'ren. Time for a new pic
-A Mexican
6:10 PM
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