Highlights/Complaints/Praises and other random blah of the day
I know that I havent posted for the past few weeks. I dont really have any good reason (nor would I make up one) except that I've been lazy. Well, I eventually got over me being a complete bum and I'll be posting a very long update from these past few weeks....tons of stories so I'm mostly posting captioned pictures that summarizes what the hell I've been up to. (Warning it might take a while to load since this shit is too long)
One of the summer traditions here in L.A. is the Saturday movies at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Its a hip event where twenty somethings and their friends can have a picnic, and "watch the stars, under the stars, over the stars" (hehe kind of sick but you dont really sit on top of dead folks, they have an open lawn and it faces a mausoleum where they project old Hollywood movies...when we went they were showing Stanley Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove"). After a quick visit from the junebugs (apparently its their mating season and we were interrupting their fun), we watched the movie and truly enjoyed it. Thanks to The BF, BFF#1 and Mr. UN for not freaking out when I suggested to go to this.

Best Friend #1 (BFF) was in town for the weekend and she really wanted to meet my crazy little brother. So together with The BF, we headed to Oceanside. We took Tres (the little Sumo wrestler) to the beach. At first you can see that he's unsure about being out there but eventually got used to it. By the end of the day he was splashing us all and didnt care how cold the water was. I really like the second picture... its kind of like a silhoutte of me holding Tres and The BF looking at us with the waves crashing....how romantic hehe (giggles like a 5th grade girl).
For the 4th of July, we (again the trio of The BF, BFF#1, and moi) went to the Hollywood Bowl. It was such a pretty day. We had our Subway sandwiches and dirt cheap Trader Joe's wine ( a merlot). We got a little buzzed but it made the whole concert more entertaining. I didnt like the guest conductor, the orchestra was so so compared to previous years and Kenny Loggins was just ok (not as great as Melissa Ethridge ... The BF and I went to watch her in Long Beach, we were in a middle of a lesbian fest so we definitely stood out. Thanks Star 98.7 for giving me free tickets...oppps I digress). So Mr. Loggins saved himself when he sang for his encore, one of the most memorable soundtrack from an 80's movie "Footlose"! Overall, it was a great 4th of July.
There was a fire on Lake Chabot and we (The Boyfriend, his mom and moi) just so happen to be there. We got to see two choppers and two planes with fire retardant try to extinguish the fire. After all this excitement, we were heading home and The Boyfriend pointed out snake tracks. I started to get nervous because the one animal I'm scared of are those filthy snakes. We were talking about our snake encounters and they assured me that it should be ok since the sun is setting and they should be hiding by then. All of a sudden a snake is right in front of me! I jumped... I dont think I screamed but I did let out a gasp...The Boyfriend's Mom saw it too and she screamed and ran. She ended up bumping into her son who as usual remained calm and collected throughout. I was so shaken. After making sure that its not a rattle snake, I decided to just run past it as fast as I can. What a way to encounter my phobia.
The Boyfriend and I (his brother later joined us) went to San Francisco last Saturday. I did some shopping at H & M and then we had lunch at North Beach. These pictures were taken while we were waiting for his brother at Washington Park. It was a beautiful day, tons of sun worshippers and artists and vendors and hippies/bums smoking some joint nonchalantly in the middle of the park (very SF). The third picture was taken in Antioch at my aunts place. I havent seen my aunts and uncles for quite some time so this was like a mini reunion.
Other Highlights: I just bought a webcam. Now I can go online and see how cute the Little Sumo Wrestler is. Also, my garden in the side of the house is growing quite well. I already have tomatoes! The bell peppers are ready to produce some flower. The chinese spinach (bok choy) is ready to be harvested. Im still waiting for the brocolli, carrots, spinach and cantaloupe. The herbs are doing great too (parsley, rosemary, and basil). I'm a farmer trapped in a scientist's body!
*I cant stand the potholes on my street. I feel like everytime I drive on it theres some obstacle course I have to maneuver around.
*CalTrans needs to have updated signs on the freeways. When I was driving down from the bay area back to L.A. there was a warning on the 5 south that its closed just north of the L.A county boundary and that we had to take a detour. Of course I followed their suggestion which led me to go through Bakersfield (the armpits of California) and continued east past the desert "cities" of Tehachapi and Mojave, then south through Lancaster/Palmdale. It took me an extra 3 hours and a full tank of gas. Ex-Roomy #3 took the same route but decided to continue down 5 South. Eventhough he left the bay area later than I did he got to L.A. 2 hours before me.
Other random crap:
Project Runway is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My early favorites (click on their names to see their work for the first episode)
Katherin Robert Michael Angela
These are just my favorites but I'm sure it will change. Thank bejesus that theres no real Santino this year (or is it too early to tell). That Jeffrey guy could be a good candidate but we'll see.
Big Brother 7 (All Stars) is also back !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well there goes my Tuesdays/Thursdays/Sunday nights (I'm soo pathetic). I'm glad that evil Allison is the first one out. Is she sleeping with some high ranking CBS official thats why she's been casted three times (twice on Big Brother and once on Amazing Race)? I'm rooting for the Big Brother 6 people but I dont think any of them will win. They're easy targets as soon as they dont have HOH or POV (wow I'm such a dork). My early prediction, the housemate who is good in going from one alliance to another without causing too much attention will win this (ie. Erika, Marcellas) Its also possible that the best strategist can win this (ie. Nakomis, James, Janelle, Danielle, even Dr. Will) but I will go with the fence sitter to win this whole shebang!
Thanks for letting me be the third wheel yet again. I had tons of fun!
Yay for Project Runway!
7:56 PM
Your little brother is such a cutie.. hehehee
I love babies!!
10:06 AM
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