Filipino guy in Los Angeles, talking about his daily blah, reality tv, world events... a little bit of everything

Friday, July 14, 2006


Here are some favorite photos that I took recently. I decided to just include the one's without people in it. I'm not very good, although I try to use whatever I learned from my high school photography class. I'd like to hear comments and suggestions (especially from folks who are experts in photography).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh I wish I had your photo taking skills! I really like all of them, but my fave is the mirror reflection/shadow pic. Post up more!

7:47 PM

Blogger Serey A said...

Hi there! I may not be an expert on photography but I can see that your photos have depth, clarity and draws attention to it. Your photography class served you well. Good luck!

7:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey.. i have those vases too..



1:19 PM


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